Saturday 15 September 2007

The last post in this semester

This semester past very fast, I just want to say good bye and thank you for my Dutch teacher and all of my friend. I was very happy to knew all of you. See you nex semester, I hope to see all of you in my section. I just want to say thank you so much for all of good relationship between our section 884.

My best English teacher that I ever have

To, A. Jesper I just want to say Thank you to you that you teach me very good and try to help us improve our Englsih skill .You always pay attention with teaching alot.

You always find a new knowledge and good skill to made our skill of English.

You never absent for our class, and always on time. When you teach, you never got bore with me when I did somethings such as grammar very bad, you never said you get bored you always try to teach me and all of my friends.

Sometimes ,I was very tired from the homework But now I just want to said Thank you to you because I think it can help me improve and make me has a good mind to studied English and really want to improve my English skill.

In next semester I really want to studied with you again, I hope I can see you in my section.

You always help us to improve our English and Law skill in English language. You was very kind.

I was very happy to studied in your class alot.

Dear Section 884( Season in the sun )

Hi, Ajan Jesper and all of my English class section 884. I just want to tell all of you I was very happy to join with you in this class. I had a very good time in this section.

I really want to add the best song for us " Season in the sun" to give to all of us . I love this songs alot when I listened it , I always think about all of my old friends. I could not post this song because the web blogger not allow me to did it I think maybe cause from the copyright law.

The time past very fast I could remember the first time I came in this class and saw A.Jesper I felt very excited alot because I never studied with him before. Most of my classmate in section 884 I just saw them only first time. I know only Nattapong Areeya Porntip Mike and Ploy. I felt very nervous in the first time because I never saw most of my friends before.
The time of one semester past so fast, I really don't belive that I join in this class about 1 semester already. Now I was clost with all of my friends already. I love all of my friends and really happy to know all of them.

Friday 7 September 2007

Rajchamangkala National Swimming pool

I began to learn swimming at Rajchamangkala swiming pool at September,4 ,2007. I could swimming before. But I could only 2 stroke such as free stlye and froke. I really want to learn and do my best about back and butterfly stoke.
I submited and registeration to learn one week before my course began , I choose the basic course one.
At Tuesday,4 My course started about 6-7.15 P.M. I arrived there so late because of my friend from Iran she worried about her sell phone call so she went to the swimming pool late. When I arrived , I met my coach . He was so kind and his english was very good. He talked to me very polite and solf. His name is Suchard , 55 years old. All of my friends in that group are older than me. All of them got a gob already and most of them older than 30 years old . I had 6 friends in that group, they ware very friendly and talk to my very good. I met one of 45 years old woman , she graduated from Abac also, she told me that she graduated in 1988 so the year that I was born . I really surprised about it.
My coach wanted to test of my swimming skill so he arked and wanted me to swimming and he looked at the way that I swimming. So he ark me " Did you learn to swimming before" so I relied him , " yes I do but just a little bit. And he said to me like in his opinion he thught I lern how to swiming not a little bit so I was very shy to all of my friends alot.
I believe that he was very kind because he teach my Iranian friend also but in fact she not paid for learn in this course at all, she just come with me because she has nothing to do in our dormitory. First time my friend she really wanted to learn with me also but she submitted the ducuments so late the swimming offfice do not allow her to swimming.
His English was very good also becuase he spoke English to my friend very good accent and skill of his his english was better than me. I really happy to joined this course at Rajchamangkala Swinmming pool with my friend. I believe that I can improve my swimming skill when I learn her for sure. I really want to imprve my skill if swimming alot because in the future I and my sister and my host family will join Tri sport ( Swimming, Bicycle, Running) and I think swimming was very important to safe my life becuase I often went to the island and I always swam alot sometime I took my vestlife out . One time my mum really angried me alot and she cried becuase of I took my vet life out.
Bye I got to go to the swimming pool on time because yeasterday I went there so late.

Saturday 1 September 2007

When I Wash my clothes

Today, I did not went out any where. I just do my housework such as washed my clothes, cleaned my room . I wake up so late today about 11.30 A.M. because last night I chated with alot of my old frieds so late.
While I was my clothes it was not raining but when I finsihed it and I would to hang my clothes . I think I was so bad luck because anytimes I washed my clothes .It always to had rainning alot.
Now I will search to the internet at about my regristration for next week, when this day( prerigristation day) came I really busy and I always think alot about the ploblem about the internet and section that it was never enought if we compare between the number of students and the empty section or seats.
I think all of Abac was so very good but just only the regrister of Abac has to improve to be faster and correctly like before I went to the Ethic seminar class I got I ( it means I not pass) I really surprise about it , and some of my friends they fall this also. We always wonder and worry about this so much. I called to the Ethic seminar at Bangna campus and the teacher said that I fail because I was not go to the exam room ( but in fact I really went there. After that I called to another number again but they said the differrent like my exam paper was lost and I really do not believe it I let my friend called to the Ethic center ,and the teacher said I fail in the paper exam. I really wonder about it so much. Why all of them do not reply me with the same way?