Saturday 1 September 2007

When I Wash my clothes

Today, I did not went out any where. I just do my housework such as washed my clothes, cleaned my room . I wake up so late today about 11.30 A.M. because last night I chated with alot of my old frieds so late.
While I was my clothes it was not raining but when I finsihed it and I would to hang my clothes . I think I was so bad luck because anytimes I washed my clothes .It always to had rainning alot.
Now I will search to the internet at about my regristration for next week, when this day( prerigristation day) came I really busy and I always think alot about the ploblem about the internet and section that it was never enought if we compare between the number of students and the empty section or seats.
I think all of Abac was so very good but just only the regrister of Abac has to improve to be faster and correctly like before I went to the Ethic seminar class I got I ( it means I not pass) I really surprise about it , and some of my friends they fall this also. We always wonder and worry about this so much. I called to the Ethic seminar at Bangna campus and the teacher said that I fail because I was not go to the exam room ( but in fact I really went there. After that I called to another number again but they said the differrent like my exam paper was lost and I really do not believe it I let my friend called to the Ethic center ,and the teacher said I fail in the paper exam. I really wonder about it so much. Why all of them do not reply me with the same way?

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