Saturday 15 September 2007

Dear Section 884( Season in the sun )

Hi, Ajan Jesper and all of my English class section 884. I just want to tell all of you I was very happy to join with you in this class. I had a very good time in this section.

I really want to add the best song for us " Season in the sun" to give to all of us . I love this songs alot when I listened it , I always think about all of my old friends. I could not post this song because the web blogger not allow me to did it I think maybe cause from the copyright law.

The time past very fast I could remember the first time I came in this class and saw A.Jesper I felt very excited alot because I never studied with him before. Most of my classmate in section 884 I just saw them only first time. I know only Nattapong Areeya Porntip Mike and Ploy. I felt very nervous in the first time because I never saw most of my friends before.
The time of one semester past so fast, I really don't belive that I join in this class about 1 semester already. Now I was clost with all of my friends already. I love all of my friends and really happy to know all of them.

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