Friday 31 August 2007

Waiting for him

Today, I waited for him to go to The Mall together. I wake uo around 10.00 A.M. and I heard the Telephone rang and he made me just a little bit upset because he told me that he cold not came to sew me because his uncle came to his condominium so he has to take care of his uncle. I was not feel angry about him but I really feel upset. But it is ok for me I understand him if I wre him I think I will has the bed situation that I could not choose also. He rang me many times and said sorry to me . I said to him " I am Ok. and I see , Don't worry".
He did not called me often like before becuase he was very shy to talked with me when his uncle sat beside him. Today I went to the Rajjamankala stadiam to submit the ducument and has the physical cheak before I swam there .
About 4.30 I went to Big C with my friend ( Niloo) because I had to buy alot of things today . I bought alot of things such as Tissue paper, lotion. shampoo , kiwi fruits and vegatable jusice. I spent alot of money today. Today I spent 890 bahts for everythings.
I arrived dorm so late around because of the Ramkamheang road was very busy and traffic jam alot. I sat on the small car that we call in Thai " Song taew" The price of the trasport between Ramkhamheang road and Abac is only 5 bahts.
I was so surprise and wodered about the price of life between Abac and Ramkhamhaeng alot . It was so near not more than 1 km. But the price of the everyday things were different. Such as The noddle in Abac the price was about 35-45 bahts but I cold find 20 bahts of same quality nooldle in Ramkamhaeng road.
I believe that if Thailand really wanted to change the country or develop country. The govenment has to pay attention to the citizens more than now. I believe that If some counrty was the developed country, they should make every area has the same ( equaility price and quality of life same)
I will go to bed now because this time is was too late tonight because tomorrow I will meet my boyfriend about 7.30 A.M before he going to Abac Bangna for attend to Business Ethic Seminar class. Tomorrow I hope I will has a very good time holiday.

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