Friday 24 August 2007

After I came back my dorm

After I came back to my dormitory I just laid down on my bed , I waiting for my boyfriend finish his English class on 5.oo p.m. When he finished I went to the Kin Hoy Resterant with him . I don't ate anything because I was so full from the Japaness food. And then we went to the bus stop , he went to his condominium with the bus.
When he took the bus already I took arise at my dorm, and then about 6.00 p.m. I went to the Sport Stadiam( Rajamakala) I ran 7 rounds. I felt really good and relax , when I wanted to go to dormitory I saw one of my best friend ( Areeya) we often meet each ather at the runing court everyday.
I arrived dorm about 7.30 p.m and then I took a shower. I went to Kin Hoy with my Iranian friend , she is my best friend also.
Now is arond midight we still sit in the down stair of the dorm because we learn and teache the language between Thai and Persian. Now I learned some words from me like aelo it means hello, salam it means hello , kubi it means how are you? kodafatch it means hang the phone. I really like the Persian language
I really like her and was very lucky to be her friend. I love to know and have the foreighner friends. Because I believe that it will make me has the good experience and I can adapt to everybody all around the world very good.
I just got the e-mail from my friends and host family in New Zealand. I really miss them so much. Now in N.Z. is the beginning of the spring , today was the first day of n.z be the spring season. I want to see the spring in N.z so much. They sent alot of picture to me . It motivate me alot to visite to Hokitika, New Zealand again.
Today, I got to go bed first Bye good night.Becuase I will get up so early tomorrow because I will go to the mall frist and then go to Vichiyut Hospital to visite my granddad.

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