Sunday 5 August 2007

Hello, A. Jasper . I am Miss Nawaporn Rattana English 2 Section 884

My English 2 midterm exam finished at July 23 2007. I finsihed about 4.5o p.m. After that I went to the airport to my home town, my flight was 9.30 p.m. My flight was DD7814 ( Nokair)
While I sat in the airoplane seat, I was really exicited and plane in my brain that the time I arrived my home, I will eat alot of foods that my mum cook for me. While I sat in the airoplane the weather was not very clear, because of in my hometown is the raing season, so i really scared about the weather alot. The airoplane was not well smooth , I was afraid and worried alot I think with myself and answer myself all the way i went there ( about 1.15 h.) My hometown is Nakhonsithammarat, South of Thailand.I arrived there about 10.45 p.m.
Until I arrived my home, I began to eat alot of foods that mum cook for me. I feel really happy and so full. At that time I and my family talked together alot, I and my sister we went to bed about 4.00 a.m in the morning . I got up so late about 11.30 a.m.
In the afternoon I went to the Taekwondo gym with my sister, I placticed with my friends so long time from 2-5 p.m, I was so tired because I was not plactice Taekwondo so long time .And then, in the evening around 6-7 I was joking with my sister and her trainer. I don't sew my trainer for long time, I really miss him and my old friends so much. Because I lerned taekwondo with him about 6 years from I was 11-17 years old. I really tied with my friends in taewondo gym, we always had the good relationship.
In the saturday and Sunday , I went to the gymnasium to cheer up of my sister and my friend . I was excited, My sister she won her friends 7-0, 7-2. She got the gold metal.
After her competition in the evening I and my family( mum, dad, sister, and my relations) we went to the Ship crew Resterant, I ate alot of seafoods , I ate the top maual of the resterant, I felt really happy. I ate alot at that nitght because the weather and this resterant was beside the beach, so it was so beautiful and made me want to ate and enjoy with my family alot.
The temperature and the beach made me really miss my boyfriend so much because he stayed in Bangkok in that time because he has 2 subjects midterm exam left.
In the next day I went to the waterfall with my parents and my sister, we enjoyed a lot . I wanted to go to the beach so much, but my parent don't take me there so they took me to waterfall becuase they thought waterfall was colder than the beach. When my parent went to work I drove the car with my sister we went to the beach , it far from my home about 15 kms, we played the banana boat , swimming and eat seafood. I loved to sigh seeing a lot. It made me relaxed and don't want to come back to see the busy city in Bangkok. I really don't want to come back to Bangkok. When I came back to my home , my parents angried me and my sister because they don't allow me to go there without adults.
I cried a lot and angry with my mum and dade , but I knew that they really me and worry about me if something bad situation happened with me they will sad al them life.
The day that I came back to Bangkok was 31 of july. I went to Bkk with DD7815 I arrive about 9.30 a.m. I really miss my family, While I sat on the airoplane I was cried because I really miss everythings I do and everythings they do it for me.

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