Saturday 18 August 2007

I am comming back home.

I arrived home at 22.30 p.m. on friday night. My family went to Nakhornsrithammarat airport to picked me up there. After that, my parents took me to the Twin Lotus Hotel. We ate buffet on night time. I anjoyed that meal alot, I ordered New Zealand lamp steak. My parents ordered thai food and they ate just a little bit. But my sister ate alot and she said like" I waiting for my sister( me) to ate dinning together. So I and my sister order alot of foods .
I went to bed around 2.00 a.m , becase of my sister she really want to showed off her award about Taekwondo and her education. While we talked together, we played piano at the bed time so my mum really angry we so much. Because she siad that she was very tired and she can not sleep with our voice.
Today, I wake up around 9 a.m. I saw a lot of delicios foods that mum cooked its for me. I was so surprised about it and I ark her what time did she wake up? She said 5.30 a.m. because of she really want to cooked for me. Then, about 11.30 a.m I drove a car to The Robinson Department store with mum and my sister without my dad because he has to go to my granddad home about them house. We ate at Mk resterant toghether and next we went up stair to bought my mum clothes and me and my sister clothes also. Today my mum spent alot of money to buy for me . I really want to say " I love her so much" I don't gave the present that I bought for the mother day already.
We went home about 06.00 p.m. My mum hurried to go home because she worried about my dad food because my dad has heart problem so he must eat the low fat food such as fish grill. After that I went to the park with my dog. His name is Back Kick . I took him there to jogging with him, he was very happy today becuase I knew that he really miss me also, the time that arrived home he jump to my face to kiss my cheek . I really love my doy so much . He was my good friend before when I was a high school student I always talk and cry with him when I felt very upset.
When I arrive home about 7.00 p.m I gave the present shirt to mum and she really surprised , she siad she love it so much and then she began to cried with my surprise.Now is about 8.45 p.m we watching Chumpaee Thai movie together because my family love to watched war movie alot or some movie was about material art. Tonight this movie will end. I was very exciting about it, How it will end?
Tomorrow , I will go to the primary school near my house to vote for the darft of new constitution. I was very exciting about it because this is my first time in my life that I have right to vote for political . I will do my best tomorrow, I will use some reason or detail that I stusy from the school of law to adapt with my opinion to use my right . I believe now Thai peple have to stop to do something that make Thai political go back 60 years ago.

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