Friday 31 August 2007

I went to The sikarin village's swimming pool

Yesterday, I went to the swimming pool with my close friends from my dormitory : Ple, Pond,and Niloo. I enjoyed swam alot. I arrived there about 6.15 P.M. and then began to swim around 6.30 P.M. We were competition together between I and Ple because Pond and Niloo .They could not swam, so I had to competition only with Ple. We were competed 2 styles( free stlye and frog stroke) I really enjoyed alot . After that we played like polo together because I brought the small plastic ball so I had some idea to enjoyed together .
I saw 2 woman, they gave the smile to me and speak English with me because they thought I was not Thai ( I spoke English with my friend) cause from Niloo was Iranian. And I replied to them Thai . They were surprise alot and I talked to them I ark where did they study? and they replied me , they graduated from ABAC about 6 years already. I were really surprised because they look like bachelor students. I talked with them alot and I really happy to knew both of them becuase they are very kind to me and very helpful and they worked in ABAC also .They worked in Q buliding. They said like if I have some problem she will help me.
I believe that if you open your mind and be a friendly person you will have alot of friends and you will know alot of personality of the peple around the world. I think the lawyers have to be very open mind becuase they will know everyone behavior very easy and they can help to make the defents to the court.
Finally, I went to my dormitory about 8.15 P.M and then, I went to Kin Hoy Resterant with Niloo. We really hugried alot . I finished my food very fast after that I went to my room to took a shower I plane to watched t.V fist but I just lay down on the bed and when I wake up the time it was about 9.30 A.M. already. I was really surprised. I believe that swimming is the good sport and it really suitable for everyone. My favorite sport is Swimming.

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