Saturday 15 September 2007

The last post in this semester

This semester past very fast, I just want to say good bye and thank you for my Dutch teacher and all of my friend. I was very happy to knew all of you. See you nex semester, I hope to see all of you in my section. I just want to say thank you so much for all of good relationship between our section 884.

My best English teacher that I ever have

To, A. Jesper I just want to say Thank you to you that you teach me very good and try to help us improve our Englsih skill .You always pay attention with teaching alot.

You always find a new knowledge and good skill to made our skill of English.

You never absent for our class, and always on time. When you teach, you never got bore with me when I did somethings such as grammar very bad, you never said you get bored you always try to teach me and all of my friends.

Sometimes ,I was very tired from the homework But now I just want to said Thank you to you because I think it can help me improve and make me has a good mind to studied English and really want to improve my English skill.

In next semester I really want to studied with you again, I hope I can see you in my section.

You always help us to improve our English and Law skill in English language. You was very kind.

I was very happy to studied in your class alot.

Dear Section 884( Season in the sun )

Hi, Ajan Jesper and all of my English class section 884. I just want to tell all of you I was very happy to join with you in this class. I had a very good time in this section.

I really want to add the best song for us " Season in the sun" to give to all of us . I love this songs alot when I listened it , I always think about all of my old friends. I could not post this song because the web blogger not allow me to did it I think maybe cause from the copyright law.

The time past very fast I could remember the first time I came in this class and saw A.Jesper I felt very excited alot because I never studied with him before. Most of my classmate in section 884 I just saw them only first time. I know only Nattapong Areeya Porntip Mike and Ploy. I felt very nervous in the first time because I never saw most of my friends before.
The time of one semester past so fast, I really don't belive that I join in this class about 1 semester already. Now I was clost with all of my friends already. I love all of my friends and really happy to know all of them.

Friday 7 September 2007

Rajchamangkala National Swimming pool

I began to learn swimming at Rajchamangkala swiming pool at September,4 ,2007. I could swimming before. But I could only 2 stroke such as free stlye and froke. I really want to learn and do my best about back and butterfly stoke.
I submited and registeration to learn one week before my course began , I choose the basic course one.
At Tuesday,4 My course started about 6-7.15 P.M. I arrived there so late because of my friend from Iran she worried about her sell phone call so she went to the swimming pool late. When I arrived , I met my coach . He was so kind and his english was very good. He talked to me very polite and solf. His name is Suchard , 55 years old. All of my friends in that group are older than me. All of them got a gob already and most of them older than 30 years old . I had 6 friends in that group, they ware very friendly and talk to my very good. I met one of 45 years old woman , she graduated from Abac also, she told me that she graduated in 1988 so the year that I was born . I really surprised about it.
My coach wanted to test of my swimming skill so he arked and wanted me to swimming and he looked at the way that I swimming. So he ark me " Did you learn to swimming before" so I relied him , " yes I do but just a little bit. And he said to me like in his opinion he thught I lern how to swiming not a little bit so I was very shy to all of my friends alot.
I believe that he was very kind because he teach my Iranian friend also but in fact she not paid for learn in this course at all, she just come with me because she has nothing to do in our dormitory. First time my friend she really wanted to learn with me also but she submitted the ducuments so late the swimming offfice do not allow her to swimming.
His English was very good also becuase he spoke English to my friend very good accent and skill of his his english was better than me. I really happy to joined this course at Rajchamangkala Swinmming pool with my friend. I believe that I can improve my swimming skill when I learn her for sure. I really want to imprve my skill if swimming alot because in the future I and my sister and my host family will join Tri sport ( Swimming, Bicycle, Running) and I think swimming was very important to safe my life becuase I often went to the island and I always swam alot sometime I took my vestlife out . One time my mum really angried me alot and she cried becuase of I took my vet life out.
Bye I got to go to the swimming pool on time because yeasterday I went there so late.

Saturday 1 September 2007

When I Wash my clothes

Today, I did not went out any where. I just do my housework such as washed my clothes, cleaned my room . I wake up so late today about 11.30 A.M. because last night I chated with alot of my old frieds so late.
While I was my clothes it was not raining but when I finsihed it and I would to hang my clothes . I think I was so bad luck because anytimes I washed my clothes .It always to had rainning alot.
Now I will search to the internet at about my regristration for next week, when this day( prerigristation day) came I really busy and I always think alot about the ploblem about the internet and section that it was never enought if we compare between the number of students and the empty section or seats.
I think all of Abac was so very good but just only the regrister of Abac has to improve to be faster and correctly like before I went to the Ethic seminar class I got I ( it means I not pass) I really surprise about it , and some of my friends they fall this also. We always wonder and worry about this so much. I called to the Ethic seminar at Bangna campus and the teacher said that I fail because I was not go to the exam room ( but in fact I really went there. After that I called to another number again but they said the differrent like my exam paper was lost and I really do not believe it I let my friend called to the Ethic center ,and the teacher said I fail in the paper exam. I really wonder about it so much. Why all of them do not reply me with the same way?

Friday 31 August 2007

Waiting for him

Today, I waited for him to go to The Mall together. I wake uo around 10.00 A.M. and I heard the Telephone rang and he made me just a little bit upset because he told me that he cold not came to sew me because his uncle came to his condominium so he has to take care of his uncle. I was not feel angry about him but I really feel upset. But it is ok for me I understand him if I wre him I think I will has the bed situation that I could not choose also. He rang me many times and said sorry to me . I said to him " I am Ok. and I see , Don't worry".
He did not called me often like before becuase he was very shy to talked with me when his uncle sat beside him. Today I went to the Rajjamankala stadiam to submit the ducument and has the physical cheak before I swam there .
About 4.30 I went to Big C with my friend ( Niloo) because I had to buy alot of things today . I bought alot of things such as Tissue paper, lotion. shampoo , kiwi fruits and vegatable jusice. I spent alot of money today. Today I spent 890 bahts for everythings.
I arrived dorm so late around because of the Ramkamheang road was very busy and traffic jam alot. I sat on the small car that we call in Thai " Song taew" The price of the trasport between Ramkhamheang road and Abac is only 5 bahts.
I was so surprise and wodered about the price of life between Abac and Ramkhamhaeng alot . It was so near not more than 1 km. But the price of the everyday things were different. Such as The noddle in Abac the price was about 35-45 bahts but I cold find 20 bahts of same quality nooldle in Ramkamhaeng road.
I believe that if Thailand really wanted to change the country or develop country. The govenment has to pay attention to the citizens more than now. I believe that If some counrty was the developed country, they should make every area has the same ( equaility price and quality of life same)
I will go to bed now because this time is was too late tonight because tomorrow I will meet my boyfriend about 7.30 A.M before he going to Abac Bangna for attend to Business Ethic Seminar class. Tomorrow I hope I will has a very good time holiday.

I went to The sikarin village's swimming pool

Yesterday, I went to the swimming pool with my close friends from my dormitory : Ple, Pond,and Niloo. I enjoyed swam alot. I arrived there about 6.15 P.M. and then began to swim around 6.30 P.M. We were competition together between I and Ple because Pond and Niloo .They could not swam, so I had to competition only with Ple. We were competed 2 styles( free stlye and frog stroke) I really enjoyed alot . After that we played like polo together because I brought the small plastic ball so I had some idea to enjoyed together .
I saw 2 woman, they gave the smile to me and speak English with me because they thought I was not Thai ( I spoke English with my friend) cause from Niloo was Iranian. And I replied to them Thai . They were surprise alot and I talked to them I ark where did they study? and they replied me , they graduated from ABAC about 6 years already. I were really surprised because they look like bachelor students. I talked with them alot and I really happy to knew both of them becuase they are very kind to me and very helpful and they worked in ABAC also .They worked in Q buliding. They said like if I have some problem she will help me.
I believe that if you open your mind and be a friendly person you will have alot of friends and you will know alot of personality of the peple around the world. I think the lawyers have to be very open mind becuase they will know everyone behavior very easy and they can help to make the defents to the court.
Finally, I went to my dormitory about 8.15 P.M and then, I went to Kin Hoy Resterant with Niloo. We really hugried alot . I finished my food very fast after that I went to my room to took a shower I plane to watched t.V fist but I just lay down on the bed and when I wake up the time it was about 9.30 A.M. already. I was really surprised. I believe that swimming is the good sport and it really suitable for everyone. My favorite sport is Swimming.

Friday 24 August 2007

After I came back my dorm

After I came back to my dormitory I just laid down on my bed , I waiting for my boyfriend finish his English class on 5.oo p.m. When he finished I went to the Kin Hoy Resterant with him . I don't ate anything because I was so full from the Japaness food. And then we went to the bus stop , he went to his condominium with the bus.
When he took the bus already I took arise at my dorm, and then about 6.00 p.m. I went to the Sport Stadiam( Rajamakala) I ran 7 rounds. I felt really good and relax , when I wanted to go to dormitory I saw one of my best friend ( Areeya) we often meet each ather at the runing court everyday.
I arrived dorm about 7.30 p.m and then I took a shower. I went to Kin Hoy with my Iranian friend , she is my best friend also.
Now is arond midight we still sit in the down stair of the dorm because we learn and teache the language between Thai and Persian. Now I learned some words from me like aelo it means hello, salam it means hello , kubi it means how are you? kodafatch it means hang the phone. I really like the Persian language
I really like her and was very lucky to be her friend. I love to know and have the foreighner friends. Because I believe that it will make me has the good experience and I can adapt to everybody all around the world very good.
I just got the e-mail from my friends and host family in New Zealand. I really miss them so much. Now in N.Z. is the beginning of the spring , today was the first day of n.z be the spring season. I want to see the spring in N.z so much. They sent alot of picture to me . It motivate me alot to visite to Hokitika, New Zealand again.
Today, I got to go bed first Bye good night.Becuase I will get up so early tomorrow because I will go to the mall frist and then go to Vichiyut Hospital to visite my granddad.

We went together.

After I finished Ethic Seminar ,I went to The Mall Bangkapi with Mr.Nattapong and Miss Rabkhwan. We arrived there about 1.00 p.m by the small car. I was so happy Nattapong paid for me and Rabkwan because we don't had 7 bahts. We went to Ajibang Resterant ( Japanese Resterant ) Both of us order Spicy Ramen and Gyasa, Chicken fried with butter, and Takoyaki.
I really enjoyed my foods. We order alot of Japaness food . At firsttime I thought how we could finsih this food. But in the orther hand we finnished all of foods very quicklu seem like we don't ate somefood for many day. Ha Ha. Everyone looked at us because of we ate too much, we went there 3 persons but we ate like 5 persons are there.
We just walked and sight seeing. Rabkwan said to me she really wanna bought some of cusmatic. We walked to the boby blown, stailla etc. While I waiting for her I bought Icecream Blizzard at Dary queen with Nattapong.He really wanted to look of the Body Glove bags. I arked at the Customer Service where was the Body Glove shop. Both of them said that shop was close already and already out of the department store already. We really disappointed about that thing . And we walked down stair and then I saw the Body Glove shop. I don't know why that man has to told me like it close already. Wow I really surprise about it.
Nattapong looked at the backs , he looked at it very carfully accacly like he pay attention in class or reading the books to prepare before the exam.
Today we were happy alot. Rabkwan bought alot of things to me such as the snack and the hello kitty small purse . I really want to say Thank you for her so much. I love everythings that she gave to me.

So boring class

Today, I went to Business Ethics Siminar until 9.30 a.m. to 12.30. I went there with Nattapong and Rubkhwan, but they went to the class room earlier than me because I went to Seven Eleven first. I just wanna bought some foods and drink for ate at that boring room. I arrived that room about 9.25 a.m. when I arrived there I had to show my ABAC I.D. card to the man that I thought that maybe he was the security gard. I really don't like some of Abac security gard, most of them often act to all of the students like we were not student, but we were ABAC mate. I bought 4 pieces of sausages, gums and fresh mineral water. When I entered to the classroom I sat near my classmates most of them were law students friends . We enjoyed talked together. I began to ate but while I ate I had to be very careful with my teachers because he never allowed anybody to eat at classroom.This class began with the Abac's song. I really love the song , but I really bored with it because of the subject. I sat next to the boy , his name is Jae, he studied in school of science and technology. While we sat in the class , we talked together alot becuase today we had quize .
I really hate this class becuse the teacher made it very difficult to understand, but in fact I believe this subject was not hard. We could use our experience to adpt with our moral. We can use our idea and use our human being in this class. He though us like it was very hard subject. Today I learn about the Professional ethic and responsibility.Today, I had assigment in this subjects also. This chapter was easy but my teacher, he made it difficult and he though not clear .I and most of friends that I sat next to them. We talked together and did that assignment together. After that we had quize also.
The quize very hard . I really don't know and I don't believe that why he could do like that. We never understand the questions how we could do it without don't understand the questions. They were 50 multiples questions. We had only 20 minuites and the questions were so long I believe that even English netive speaker maybe the time will conflict also. For me I done only 20 after that I just choose it because I really don't had enought time . I saw most of my friends were like me also. I worried about it so much .Now I really worry about that so much. I am not sure that I will past this quiz or not.

Saturday 18 August 2007

I just want to say to my friends I miss them so much.

Now I will go to bed but I can remember that today my friend Miss Nut and Kwang called me . I really miss them alot. I want to say to all of my friends I reall miss them and always keep the good memories things between us. I forgot to bring the present to give to my old friend ,I really want to say appoligize to him .
Finally, I will meet him at Siam Paragon next week. So Ajan Jesper " I just want to say Have a nice sunday off".
Bye for now.

I am comming back home.

I arrived home at 22.30 p.m. on friday night. My family went to Nakhornsrithammarat airport to picked me up there. After that, my parents took me to the Twin Lotus Hotel. We ate buffet on night time. I anjoyed that meal alot, I ordered New Zealand lamp steak. My parents ordered thai food and they ate just a little bit. But my sister ate alot and she said like" I waiting for my sister( me) to ate dinning together. So I and my sister order alot of foods .
I went to bed around 2.00 a.m , becase of my sister she really want to showed off her award about Taekwondo and her education. While we talked together, we played piano at the bed time so my mum really angry we so much. Because she siad that she was very tired and she can not sleep with our voice.
Today, I wake up around 9 a.m. I saw a lot of delicios foods that mum cooked its for me. I was so surprised about it and I ark her what time did she wake up? She said 5.30 a.m. because of she really want to cooked for me. Then, about 11.30 a.m I drove a car to The Robinson Department store with mum and my sister without my dad because he has to go to my granddad home about them house. We ate at Mk resterant toghether and next we went up stair to bought my mum clothes and me and my sister clothes also. Today my mum spent alot of money to buy for me . I really want to say " I love her so much" I don't gave the present that I bought for the mother day already.
We went home about 06.00 p.m. My mum hurried to go home because she worried about my dad food because my dad has heart problem so he must eat the low fat food such as fish grill. After that I went to the park with my dog. His name is Back Kick . I took him there to jogging with him, he was very happy today becuase I knew that he really miss me also, the time that arrived home he jump to my face to kiss my cheek . I really love my doy so much . He was my good friend before when I was a high school student I always talk and cry with him when I felt very upset.
When I arrive home about 7.00 p.m I gave the present shirt to mum and she really surprised , she siad she love it so much and then she began to cried with my surprise.Now is about 8.45 p.m we watching Chumpaee Thai movie together because my family love to watched war movie alot or some movie was about material art. Tonight this movie will end. I was very exciting about it, How it will end?
Tomorrow , I will go to the primary school near my house to vote for the darft of new constitution. I was very exciting about it because this is my first time in my life that I have right to vote for political . I will do my best tomorrow, I will use some reason or detail that I stusy from the school of law to adapt with my opinion to use my right . I believe now Thai peple have to stop to do something that make Thai political go back 60 years ago.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

I really miss my mum

On 12 of August was a Mother's Day. I really miss my mum ,but I stayed in my dormitory Bangkok. Every year I and my sister we always give some present and made her surprise in many ways. My mum live in Nakhornsrithammarat,south of Thailand.
Eerybody they were stayed with mum but I stayed very far away from my mum. In the early morning about 6.30 a.m I wake up very early to rang to mum, I just wanted to make she surprise and that only one thing that I could do with my mum because I stayed very far from her. I said " Happy mother day, I love mum so much .
I always call her 4-6 times per day. This word I not felf shy when I talk.I really love her and she was everything of my life. Such as mum,dad and my best friend. When I had some problems I always talk with her and arked her how to solve the problems. I believe that she was a very good mum in the world, she took care of me very good. She teach me how I could live in the world with happy. She made me do everythings with myself. Such as I can go everywhere alone. She let me learn sports such as Taekwondo, Swimming, Kayaking,Shooting, Thai boxing, and ride a horse. My mum let me and my sister learn how to play thai and universal music intruments such as Piano, Violin , drum, electon and all of Thai instruments.
When I had the music and sports competition , my parents always went there to cheer up me. They always made me happy. Sometime when I do somthings wrong she did not angry much but she teach me .
My mum took care of me like she both of my friend and prarent. I could do every if that one was a good things . She really wanted me to has the knowledge and the moral to live in this socity with the quality life and be a good person.
When I have been in New Zealand, I really wanted to say Thank you to both of my prerent because most of my friends they had alot problems,but for me I do not had any broblems . Such as I could adapt myself with all of my host family and all of foreigner becasue my mum teach me universal cultural and let me do all of talent things such as sports and music instruments. When I have been there I got a reward from Westland High Scool becase they think I was the one could adapt to New Zealand very good.
In my opinion I think even you stay very far from your mum but you can show the love that you want to give to you mum . I bought an ELLE t-shirt for her. I don want to tell her but I just want to make her really surprise about it.
I will go to my home tomorrow, My mum she said she was very happy alot when I arrive, she will cook alot of foods that I love to eat.
I was really exciting to go to my home , I think at the airport I will make surprise things to you . I already told my dad and my sister that the night that I arrive,my dad will drive car to the beach and stay there for 1 night and we will have a good meal in the seafood resterant beside the beach the one resterant that my mum love most. I really want to do everytings to make myh mum happy.

Bad luck and Good Experience.

I wake up around 7.30 a.m, It was so early because at 9.00 a.m. I had class until 11.oo a.m. and then ,I went to my dormitory to washed my clothes. About 1.00 p.m I went to Kin Hoy Resterant with my boyfriend and his friend. We were unhappy about the foods ,today I thought it was first time that I don't like the food here. I ordered fish fries rice, but they made the noddle for me . I was not angry aboout that at all , but the test of the food not very yummy and in my bowl has only vegetables.
By the way at 2.oo p.m I had the obligation law class . It started from 2- 6 p.m. so I sat in that class around 3.30 hours. Oh, it was so boring, and I really wanted to go out of that room as soon as I can. This subjects was so boring because it was hard . In my opinion I think this subject and juristic law ware the most hard subject for me, and I believe that most of my friends thought like that also.
While I sat in this class , I pay attention to my lecturer about 1.30hour from 4 hours. After 1.30 h. My brain felt numb and my body felt like sombi. I act like I pay alot of attention to my lecturer, but in fact I did not pay atenttion for him at all, I drew picture , I drew a lot of pictures in my note book. Such as I drew the picture of him, Nattapong picture( one of my friend sat in front of me , alot of cartoon caracters ( keropee , hello kiitty etc.)
I got bore with draw the picture , I offen draw it , my friends all said that my note books has a lot of pictures more than I wrote about the chapter of my lesson.
I had nothing to do so I had some idea to made a joke with my friend behind me. He was Mr.Nattapong . He was a very good student, offfen pay attention to the teacher and never talked in class like me ha ha ha . I just want to made him felt relax so I played his hair . Because behind of his hair has a tail like a turtle. Ajan Jesper I invite you to look in his hair . I believe that if you look his hair very carfully you found it and you will laught about his hair .
For me I laughted alot . I made his tail hair moved and was very happy to play his hair. But in fact he did not felt happy like me because maybe he wanted to pay attention but I bothered his attention a lot . I just want to say sorry to him. But I was very happy to play the tail of the turtle in his hair ha ha ha ha. A. Jesper you should watch his hair carfully ok, so you will be happy like me. ( turtle's tail).
My class finished about 5.30 pm. When I finished the class I walked with Nuttapong and Areeya to met my boyfriend. I went to BKK Grill with him , I ordered 2 pieces of fish grill. Its was very yummy. After my boyfriend went to his condominium , I went to my dormitory .
At 7.30 I went to the Rajhamankala national stadiuam with Gib ( Areya) . I went there to watched the valleyball competition between USA and Ukrain . USA won Ukn by 3 in 3 games.
I met Benz and Neung there also . We watched together, Benz and Neung were cheer up of Ukrain team and I don't know myself what time I will cheer up . I have nothing to say so I said " Ukrainsa. It is means I already cheer up both of them.
Around the indoor stadaium has alot of survineers sold , I and Gib bought a lot of survineer, I bought a taekwondo muscod door to my sister and I bought 2 of mini plaster door for me and my boy friends. I spent money alot for the survinees about 500 bahts.
I walked to dorm with Gib . Tonight I was happy a lot because I had the oppotunity to watch that games because I met bouth of my good friends such as Neung, Benz and Gib. We spent the very good time together.
Now 2.00 am at 16 0f August. My mum , sister, dad and my boyfriend already went to bed. I really miss them. I will went to my hometown on this friday, I feel exciting alot.
I will stop writing my diary for today because I really sleepy. In my opinion I believe that even you walk on the heaven but you will have good hope to coutines your happy life. Although today the food from Kin Hoy Resterant was not dilicious , but I really enjoy with Gib and my friends alot for the activities we had done together.

Sunday 5 August 2007

Hello, A. Jasper . I am Miss Nawaporn Rattana English 2 Section 884

My English 2 midterm exam finished at July 23 2007. I finsihed about 4.5o p.m. After that I went to the airport to my home town, my flight was 9.30 p.m. My flight was DD7814 ( Nokair)
While I sat in the airoplane seat, I was really exicited and plane in my brain that the time I arrived my home, I will eat alot of foods that my mum cook for me. While I sat in the airoplane the weather was not very clear, because of in my hometown is the raing season, so i really scared about the weather alot. The airoplane was not well smooth , I was afraid and worried alot I think with myself and answer myself all the way i went there ( about 1.15 h.) My hometown is Nakhonsithammarat, South of Thailand.I arrived there about 10.45 p.m.
Until I arrived my home, I began to eat alot of foods that mum cook for me. I feel really happy and so full. At that time I and my family talked together alot, I and my sister we went to bed about 4.00 a.m in the morning . I got up so late about 11.30 a.m.
In the afternoon I went to the Taekwondo gym with my sister, I placticed with my friends so long time from 2-5 p.m, I was so tired because I was not plactice Taekwondo so long time .And then, in the evening around 6-7 I was joking with my sister and her trainer. I don't sew my trainer for long time, I really miss him and my old friends so much. Because I lerned taekwondo with him about 6 years from I was 11-17 years old. I really tied with my friends in taewondo gym, we always had the good relationship.
In the saturday and Sunday , I went to the gymnasium to cheer up of my sister and my friend . I was excited, My sister she won her friends 7-0, 7-2. She got the gold metal.
After her competition in the evening I and my family( mum, dad, sister, and my relations) we went to the Ship crew Resterant, I ate alot of seafoods , I ate the top maual of the resterant, I felt really happy. I ate alot at that nitght because the weather and this resterant was beside the beach, so it was so beautiful and made me want to ate and enjoy with my family alot.
The temperature and the beach made me really miss my boyfriend so much because he stayed in Bangkok in that time because he has 2 subjects midterm exam left.
In the next day I went to the waterfall with my parents and my sister, we enjoyed a lot . I wanted to go to the beach so much, but my parent don't take me there so they took me to waterfall becuase they thought waterfall was colder than the beach. When my parent went to work I drove the car with my sister we went to the beach , it far from my home about 15 kms, we played the banana boat , swimming and eat seafood. I loved to sigh seeing a lot. It made me relaxed and don't want to come back to see the busy city in Bangkok. I really don't want to come back to Bangkok. When I came back to my home , my parents angried me and my sister because they don't allow me to go there without adults.
I cried a lot and angry with my mum and dade , but I knew that they really me and worry about me if something bad situation happened with me they will sad al them life.
The day that I came back to Bangkok was 31 of july. I went to Bkk with DD7815 I arrive about 9.30 a.m. I really miss my family, While I sat on the airoplane I was cried because I really miss everythings I do and everythings they do it for me.